You couldn't ask for a better 80's movie. It had a great soundtrack with original tracks from Ronnie Spector, The Spinners, and Brock/Davis (trust me, their song Hard Way is fantastic!) It had great one-liners. It had beautiful women like Joyce Hyser and Deborah Goodrich. It featured one of the greatest nude scenes of all time (check out the youtube link below!). And of course the movie featured the one and only William Zabka as the bad boy, Greg Tolan. Although the movie also featured a young Sherilyn Fenn, Arye Gross, and Billy Jacoby (of Parker Lewis Can't Lose fame), the actor who really stood out in the movie was Clayton Rohner. Rohner was cast as the male lead Rick Morehouse, and he nailed it out of the park with his performance. Although his other JOOTG castmates seemed to disappear from the public eye , Clayton Rohner continued to stay busy making guest spots on a few hit television series and some other feature films. You might have seen him on classic shows such as 90210, Star Trek: The Next Generation, CSI, and many others. In fact, he's still popping up on current shows like Castle and Dollhouse. His other films include April Fools Day and The Relic. To see his complete list of credits, check out his IDMB resume here. It always brought a smile to my face when Clayton Rohner's showed up on TV, which brought back memories of Just One Of The Guys. Did you know that even to this day, Just One Of The Guys is still one of my top 25 movies of all time?
When I found out that Clayton Rohner was going to be appearing at the latest Chiller Theatre show, my adrenaline started pumping. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him about Just One Of The Guys and his career. Since I started writing, I figured what better way to get this blog rolling than to land an interview with one of my favorite actors. So I tested a recording device for my iPod, which to my delight actually was easy to figure out how to use. I then contacted his management agency to inform them that I'd like to schedule an interview with Clayton Rohner so he was prepared. I was soon informed that my information was inaccurate and had reached out to his former management company who no longer represented him. Okay, so I would meet and greet him and ask if he would sit and down and talk with me. When I entered the Chiller Show, he was the first celebrity that I had to meet. I went up to his table and professed my love of his work and Just One Of The Guys and mentioned I had reached out to his former management company. He was so gracious and thrilled that somebody was so anxious to meet him, and indicated that he would be more than willing to sit down with me and discuss his career. Usually there is a lot of red tape when trying to nail these interviews. Not with Clayton Rohner. When I returned an hour after our initial conversation to start interviewing him, he was ready to go.
I have been blessed with a lot of great experiences in life, and have met a lot of celebrities who have brought smiles to my face over the years. Interviewing Clayton Rohner might have been one of my greatest achievements. Lucky for me, I have a good wealth of pop culture knowledge so I could interview him without any notes or having done prior research. It was my first real interview with an actor, and if I made any mistakes along the way, I would at least learn for next time. Clayton Rohner was a class act, and our conversation worked because it came off as casual and "real". Below is the original audio file with a basic Chiller introduction and the raw interview with Clayton Rohner. I'm hoping to have it edited for Monday, but wanted to at least get the conversation up today.
This is a a great interview. I'm six years late to comment but I found this because people magazine's website (and some others) are covering Just One Of The Guy's 30th anniversary.